There are about 30 million people in the U.S. who are currently dealing with diabetes.
It's extremely important for these people to monitor their blood sugar levels and keep them as balanced and stable as they can be. When people don't make an effort to stabilize blood sugar, it can have a big impact on them and make them feel out of whack all the time.
If you're one of the millions of Americans attempting to manage diabetes at the moment, there are some simple steps you can take to balance blood sugar more effectively.
Check out 7 ways you can stabilize blood sugar naturally below.
1. Eat More Foods That Rank Low on the Glycemic Index
When you're making a push to stabilize blood sugar, you should choose to eat more foods that are low on the glycemic index. As you might imagine, most of these types of foods fall squarely into the healthy category.
Foods low on the glycemic index include things like vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some fruits. They will release the energy contained in them very slowly into your bloodstream once you have eaten them.
By taking in more foods that rank low on the glycemic index, you will be able to stabilize blood sugar by avoiding sudden spikes and drastic drops in your blood sugar levels. You'll feel better overall on a daily basis simply by eating these types of foods.
2. Work Healthy Snacks Into the Mix in Between Meals
There is a lot of debate over how often those with diabetes should eat. Some people have argued that diabetics should eat a series of small meals throughout the day as opposed to three big ones, while others have argued that that's not the right approach to take.
If you're going to eat three meals like most other people, you should try and work a few healthy snacks into the mix between meals to stabilize blood sugar. You shouldn't have any trouble staying stable when you chow down on small snacks in between your meals.
You do want to be careful about what these small snacks consist of. Candy and any other sweets are a big no-no because they could cause blood sugar problems.
Instead, you should opt for snacks that are rich in protein. They will help you maintain your blood sugar levels throughout the course of a day.
3. Include More Protein in Your Diet
In general, you should try and eat more protein as a whole when you're battling diabetes. That goes both for when you're snacking and for when you're enjoying meals.
Proteins are important because they will work to slow down the release of energy in your body after you've eaten. Even if you've consumed sugars or carbohydrates, protein can limit the amount of energy that makes its way into your bloodstream and stop your blood sugar levels from spiking.
Additionally, protein is a satiating macronutrient that will make you feel fuller for longer than carbohydrates will. Protein will send a signal to your brain to let you know you're full, which will prevent you from overeating and messing with your blood sugar levels.
4. Avoid Skipping Breakfast on a Regular Basis
Have you gotten into the habit of skipping breakfast almost every day? That in and of itself could ultimately prevent you from stabilizing your blood sugar levels.
Your levels will likely be very low when you wake up in the morning, and by not eating breakfast, you'll keep them low for the start of your day. You'll then be more likely to eat too much for lunch, which will send your blood sugar levels soaring.
You should make eating breakfast a priority and tell yourself that you're doing it to stabilize blood sugar so that it feels important. You should also try and work protein and at least one healthy fat into your breakfast meal to get your day off to a strong start.
5. Steer Clear of Taking in Too Many Sugars or Carbohydrates
As a diabetic, sugars and carbohydrates are your worst enemy. If you take too many of them in, you will undoubtedly send your blood sugar levels skyrocketing and then have them come crashing back down to earth on you.
You should do your best to avoid drinking soda or eating candy. You should also check the nutritional information on other foods and drinks to see how much sugar and carbohydrates are in them.
In addition to avoiding sugars and carbs, you should also stay away from caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. They can all increase your adrenaline levels, which can, in turn, cause your blood sugar levels to shoot up.
6. Make Sure You're Getting Enough Exercise
There are obviously a million and one benefits that come along with exercising routinely. Those who have diabetes will find exercise to be especially beneficial when it comes to regulating blood sugar levels.
When you exercise, the cells in your muscles will welcome in more glucose than usual from your bloodstream and bring your blood sugar levels down. You will, of course, want to shy away from bringing them too low. But generally speaking, exercise will work wonders as far as stabilizing blood sugar.
One other benefit of exercise for diabetes patients is that it can make the insulin you take more efficient. You should try to exercise for about 150 minutes every week to stabilize blood sugar.
7. Get the Proper Amount of Sleep at Night
Are you getting at least eight hours of sleep at night? If not, you might be missing out on some key benefits that come along with sleeping.
When you get enough sleep, you'll curb cravings by keeping your hunger hormones to a minimum. You'll also reduce cortisol in your body, which is a stress hormone that can raise blood sugar.
There also seems to be a link that exists between not getting enough sleep and being diagnosed with diabetes in the first place.
For all these reasons and so many more, you should make sleep more of a priority and enjoy the health benefits that come with it.
Stabilize Blood Sugar Naturally and Start Feeling Your Best
When you don't take steps to stabilize blood sugar naturally, you won't ever feel your best. It could make you feel discouraged as you try to deal with the symptoms of diabetes.
It could also lead to more health problems down the line if you're not careful. You should test your blood sugar levels regularly and do whatever you can to keep them stable.
Read our blog to see some of the other measures you can take when trying to manage diabetes.
Sleep Disorders in Type 2 Diabetes
On to you
What questions do you have? Let us know in the comments below and we'll be happy to help!
-Marc Kaplan
CEO, Save Rite Medical
Created with a vision of helping customers in anyway possible, Save Rite Medical CEO, Marc Kaplan, created the company and has grown it to become the leading internet provider of medical supplies. Through valuable products to educational information, Save Rite Medical is your #1 resource for medical supplies.